Alistair King Sdn Bhd (AKSB) or Alistair King Training was established on 21st December 1992. The core business of AKSB is the provision of training solutions to clients in both government and corporate sectors in Malaysia, in other South East Asian countries and in Southern Africa.
The Company provides services in two areas: Corporate Training and Human Resource Consulting. We offer Corporate Training as both in-house training and public training; and Human Resource Consulting in the form of candidate screening for managerial positions.
The first client of AKSB was Bank Negara Malaysia. This set the scene for a wide involvement with financial institutions, both commercial and regulatory, in Malaysia and in other countries, including the Central Banks of Namibia and Indonesia.
The current client list contains Manufacturing Companies, Service Industries, Airlines, Television Broadcasting Stations and Government Departments. Assignments are undertaken in several South-East Asian and Southern African countries.
The bulk of the training is in the Communication Skills, with an ongoing programme of the following offered as public training:
- Write Like a Professional
- Speak Like a professional
- Present Like a Professional
- Grammar Means Business
- Assertive Communication
The training courses are conducted by both Malaysian and expatriate specialists, each with at least a Master’s degree and many years of experience in his/her field.Over the years, as the emphasis on training has shifted one direction or another, the Company has sought to constantly reassess its role and its services to its clients. As the economy has waxed and waned, the Company has sought to focus on clients’ specific requirements, thereby building a reputation as a training provider with insight and flexibility to meet the needs of an ever-increasing group of regular and, it is assumed, satisfied clients.
We are Approved Training Provider (ATP) registered with HRDCorp.